Tom Munsteiner

Tom Munsteiner
Crystals, the reflecting play of light in its inherent structures, are fascinating testimonies of nature to Tom Munsteiner, which lead him to a formal expression in the cut which is incomparably rich in variation. The crystal is not just dead stone to him; the crystal, which looks at him through its reflection of light as it were, leads an independent existence at the threshold between inanimate and animated nature like something organic. This is the reason why Tom Munsteiner combines clean cuts in the material, geometric figures, such as prisms and circles, testimonies of an internal constructivist architecture of the stone, with spherical, organically soft round forms.
Curriculum Vitae
1969 Born in Bernkastel-Kues, Germany
1985-89 Educated as a Lapidary Stone Cutter in the Company of Bernd Munsteiner
1991 trained as Gemologist
1993-95 High School of Gemstone and Jewellery Design, Idar-Oberstein
1995 Master of Gemstone cutting
1997 Atelier in Stipshausen.
Honours and Awards
2015 International Design Awards – Honorable Mention
2015 Iron A’Design Award in Arts, Crafts and Design
2014 Golden A’Design Award in Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design
2014 MineralArt Honorable Mention
2013 Preis des Handwerks Rheinland-Pfalz
2010 „The Gemmys 2010“, Faceted Gems category: 1. Preis; Gem Objects: 2. Preis
2009 Platinum Couture Style Challenge Winner; „The Stone in Jewellery“, 1. Preis, St. Petersburg, Russland; The Gemmys 2009, Cabochon Gems: 1. Preis, Gem Objects
2008 mineralArt, 3. Preis und Belobigung
2007 „The Gemmys 2007“, Cabochon Gems: 1. Preis, Specially Cut Gem: 1. Preis; „Preis des Handwerks Rheinland-Pfalz 2007“; 3. Preis und Belobigung „Deutscher Schmuck- und Edelsteinpreis“ Idar-Oberstein
2006 „The Gemmys 2006“, Cabochon Gems: 1. Preis, Specially Cut Gem 1. und 2. Preis, Gem Objects: 1. Preis
2001 1. Preis „Deutscher Schmuck- und Edelsteinpreis“, Idar-Oberstein; Bayrischer Staatspreis; AGTA’s Spectrum Awards 2001, International Division: 1. Preis
1999 3. Preis „Deutscher Schmuck- und Edelsteinpreis“ Idar-Oberstein; Gewinner des Preisträgerskulpturen-Wettbewerbs Innovationspreis Oberfranken
1998 AGTA’s Spectrum Awards 1998, International Division: 1. Preis
1997 AGTA’s Cutting Edge 1997, International Objects of Art: Honorable Mention; AGTA’s Cutting Edge 1997, International Open Category: 1. Preis
1992 Förderpreis für das Kunsthandwerk Rheinland-Pfalz
1991 Belobigung „Deutscher Schmuck- und Edelsteinpreis“.